Johann Albert Fabricius: Bibliotheca Latina mediae et infimae aetatis

cum supplemento Christiani Schoettgenii jam a P. Joanne Dominico Mansi (...) e MSS. editisque Codicibus correcta illustrara aucta post editionem Patavinam an. 1754. Nunc denuo emendata et aucta, indicibus locupletata. Accedunt in fine vetera plura monumenta tum a Fabricio olim tradita, cum a Cl. Mansio primo adiecta, Tomus I - VI. Florentiae, Typ. Thomae Baracchi et. F., 1858–1859.

The first edition was published from 1734 to 1736 as a continuation of the older Bibliotheca Latina (1697); a supplementary volume was published in 1746 by Johann Christian Schoettgen. The revised edition by Giovanni Domenico Mansi published in 1754 was the final editorial stage in the publication of the mediaeval Bibliotheca and is the most commonly used. Our digitised resource presents the Mansi edition.

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Tomus I und II

Tomus III und IV

Tomus V und VI

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Tomus I und II

Tomus III und IV

Tomus V und VI

Internet Archive – Volltext (dirty scan)