The Charters of Henry VI

Edited by Bettina Pferschy-Maleczek, based on preliminary work by Heinrich Appelt (†).

1. The charters of Henry VI for German recipients

Edited by Bettina Pferschy-Maleczek

Prior to the publication of the complete printed edition, a digital pre-print edition is available online. The pre-print edition comprises the texts of the 204 charters of Henry VI for recipients in the present-day countries of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland (not exactly following the modern political boudaries) with the complete preliminary remarks and criticial apparatus in citable form.

The abbreviations and editorial form are largely the same as those used for the editions of the charters of Frederick I in the MGH Diplomata. Since as of yet no final numbers have been allocated, the charters are numbered according to Regesta Imperii 4/3 by Gerhard Baaken. The layout is provisional and does not yet correspond to that of the final printed edtion.

The edition is a reworking of the manuscript left behind by Heinrich Appelt on his death in 1998. In 1904, the edition project was entrusted to the MGH Diplomata section working at the Austrian Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung in Vienna. The list of scholars who have contributed to the edition of the charters of Henry VI over the years include: Peter Csendes, Rainer Egger, Gisela Egger(-Lüpke), Thomas Ertl, Helmuth Feigl, Susanne Fritsch-Rübsamen, Christine Gigler, Friedrich Hausmann, Friedrich Henning, Paul Herold, Günter Katzler, Brigitte Meduna, Christine Ottner, Elisabeth Reiner-Mégier, Erich Reiter, Andrea Rzihacek-Bedö, Andrea Scheichl, Renate Spreitzer, Thomas Stockinger and Anton Julius Walter.

The preparation of the electronic text edition was supervised by Günter Katzler and employed the Classical Text Editor (CTE) developed by Stefan Hagel. Please do not hesitate to send us your corrections or helpful suggestions!

2. The charters of Henry VI for Italian recipients

Edited by Bettina Pferschy-Maleczek

The edition of the charters for recipients living in present-day Italy follows the same guidelines as laid out above for the charters for German recipients (1). To date, a total of 88 charters from the areas of present-day Lombardy are edited and available online.

3. The Charters of Henry VI for recipients in France, Belgium, Holland, and Luxemburg

Edited by Bettina Pferschy-Maleczek

The edition of the charters for recipients living in present-day France, Belgium, Holland, and Luxemburg follows the same guidelines as laid out above for the charters for German recipients (1). The charter texts are available in digital pre-print editions.

4. The missives of Henry VI to the popes and cardinals of the Roman Church

Edited by Bettina Pferschy-Maleczek

The edition of Henry VI’s missives to the popes and cardinals of the Roman churc follows the same guidelines as laid out for the charters for German recipients (1). The charter texts are available in digital pre-print edition.

5. The charters of Henry VI for recipients in the Regnum Siciliae (preliminary Version)

Preliminary edtion, revised by Peter Csendes

This preliminary edition comprises a total of 79 charters and 56 deperdita for recipients in the Regnum Siciliae, the kingdom entailing the present-day regions of Sicily, Calabria, Basilicata, Apulia, Campania, Molise and Abruzzo.

The format and appearance of the edition are of provisional character. It is a revised edtion by Peter Csendes, based on the manuscript left behind by Heinrich Appelt with larger and smaller contributions by Rainer Egger, Gisela Egger(-Lüpke), Thomas Ertl, Helmuth Feigl, Susanne Fritsch-Rübsamen, Christine Gigler, Friedrich Hausmann, Friedrich Henning, Paul Herold, Günter Katzler, Brigitte Meduna, Christine Ottner, Bettina Pferschy-Maleczek, Elisabeth Reiner-Mégier, Erich Reiter, Andrea Rzihacek-Bedö, Andrea Scheichl, Renate Spreitzer, Thomas Stockinger and Anton Julius Walter.

The electronic text edition was prepared by Host Zimmerhackl using the Classical Text Editor (CTE) developed by Stefan Hagel. Please do not hesitate to send us your corrections or helpful suggestions!

Digital pre-print editions

The charters of Henry VI for German, French, and Italian recipients (PDF, update February 2020)

The charters of Henry VI for recipients from the Italian regions Piemont and Latium (PDF, update February 2024)

The charters of Henry VI for recipients from Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxemburg; letter of Henry VI. to popes and cardinals of the Roman church (PDF, update December 2022)

The charters of Henry VI for recipients in the  Regnum Siciliae (PDF, update December 2013)