News | 14. Oct. 2022

Frederick II. Charter Editions Chosen as Academy Project of the Month

In a comprehensive feature article on the web site of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research entitled „Die umfangreichste Urkundenedition weltweit“ (the world’s largest charter edition), the Academy project „Edition der Urkunden Kaiser Friedrichs II.“ (Edition of the charters of Emperor Frederick II) was hailed as the academy project of the month October.

The charter edition is planned to comprise ten volumes, six of which have already been published in the MGH Diplomata series „Die Urkunden der deutschen Könige und Kaiser“ (the charters of the German Kings and Emperors); volume seven is currently in preparation..

Click here to read the full article (German language): Projekt des Monats Oktober 2022 - Die umfangreichste Urkundenedition weltweit: die Urkunden Friedrich II.